Sam Sartorius

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Red Tailed Hawk

A favorite time of day to reflect or meditate is before the day gets started. A friend and mentor had sent me a selection of his intimate poems about love and loss. As I sat down with a cup of morning coffee to read the poems, my computer quit. It wanted juice. While I was getting up to charge the ‘keeper of the poems’, I saw a majestic bird in my peripheral.

Through my living room window, not that far away, I observe a sizable red tailed hawk. Ole hawk eye saw my movement. We both paused in stillness, waiting for the other one to move first. There were two blue Jays working in tandem crisscrossing over the hawk. A gentle harassment except for one poke on the back. The hawk moved from the crooked apple tree, to the wire fencing, to the ground. Then, repeated the positioning in what appears to be because of the annoyance.

The hawk has since flown away but the energy the hawk activated in the landscape is still vibrant and alive.

I return to my room temperature coffee and the half eaten lemon blueberry muffin. I just realized, I too have been activated by nature. Its’ a wonderful way to start the day. And, for moments like this, I don’t really care that I’m running behind schedule.